Winter's gone, Spring is approaching, yet I still mourn for the loss
my beloved Yin Zhi Jiang.

I wish this is not true, but you have already
left me. The time that we spent together, from the first time we met, till
we fell in love, how many spring, summer, fall and winters have we spent
together? The wonderful memories you left for me! You once said friends
are your most precious treasures, whenever any of your friends need help,
you will never hesitate to lend a helping hand. When your friends are
upset, you will grieve with them. Your willingness to share in their grief
and joy with them made you many friends. Friends who loves soccer, friends
who loves to drink and friends who became business partners!
I often protest that you spent more time with your friends than you
spent with me, but honestly, deep down, I admire your big heartedness
toward your friends. Your friends have also become my treasures, enriching
my life! You are my true love, to your friends, you seems like someone who
never runs out of things to say, to me, you are a man of few words! When
we were courting, there were never flowers or candles, only a sunshine
filled football field; no whispers of sweet nothings to my ear, just a
sense of your silent concern and support for me. You like to make me
laugh, unknowingly I started to lean on you for support. In times of
difficulty, you are there, when I am lonely, you are there. Happiness is
your hand in mine, strolling along the football field with the sun
All these years, you face life a positive attitude; every defeat became
merely a lesson learnt! Everything you do, you tackle it like a true
sportsman, un-weaving in your approaching, never backing down! Whenever I
met with any adversity in my life, you will never fail to encourage me!
Never give up became your motto; you are the model I strive to become.
You have always treated others with respect and sincerity, in your work,
honesty, truth and perseverance. Being together and being in love, there
are many ways, to those who love you and who called you their friends will
continue to testify your love for life! As your other half, I feel proud
for you! Na Lan Rong Ruo of the Qing dynasty said : “Dreams are hard to
keep, incomplete poems are hard to complete. To win is only to cry again.
“ He lost his wife and I lost my husband, though we are from different era
in time, the pain is still the same. I hope that you have finish all that
you set to do in this world, may your heart be free of all burdens, free
at last.
Michelle Yim
1956年5月1日 尹志强出生。
1974年 堅道中學畢業,加入南華甲組足球隊。
1976年 入選香港代表隊。
1977年 隨港隊到新加坡參加78年世界盃外圍賽,並曆史性贏得小組出線權。
1980年 與周潤發、李修賢合作拍攝首齣電影《執法者》。
1982年 與無線簽訂一年合約,擔任《英國足球大賽》旁述。
1983年 過檔亞視,同年離開南華,轉投精工;並投入與影藝界發展,接拍電視劇《101拘捕令》 ,收視理想;更與鐘楚維及友人開設酒 吧,為收山鋪路
1984年 接拍《101拘捕令第二輯之熱線999》及《101拘捕令第三輯之勇敢新世界》;離開精工, 轉會乙組球會港燈;並開始與米雪拍拖 。
1985年 離開港燈,轉投麗新,與胡國雄及劉榮業等[77年世界盃出線英雄],獲港隊重召參加86年
1986年 出戰港澳埠際賽,亦為最後一次為港隊出賽。
1987年 正式掛靴,專心拍戲,為亞視主持節目及打理生意。
1989年 簽約亞視,成為基本合約藝員,全力向電視界發展。
1990年 加入明星足球隊。
1992年 開設保安公司。
1993年 為亞視擔任94年世界盃主持及接拍電影《至尊36計之偷天換日》;又到內地扶貧,獲選為 南寧市政協委員。
1998年 成立Wanasports控股,經營高爾夫球用品生意。
2000年 創立Wanasports.net,涉足科網。
2001年 威能控股(Wanasports)於創業板上市,集資1,900萬元,股東包括米雪、任達華及洪金寶。
2002年 威倫堡控股(前稱威能控股)上市。
2003年 因長期參與公益慈善事業,獲頒[十大愛心之星],以表揚其對社會之貢獻。
2005年 以私人理由辭任主席及執行董事,告别一手創立的威倫堡。
2010年2月16日 早上在沙田威爾斯親王醫院病逝,終年53歲。社會各界對其離世惋惜不已,中國官方新華社亦有報道這位[亞洲第一中鋒]的死訊。